Growing up can be hard,
let’s grow together.
Small children and adolescents have unique thoughts and feelings that may get exacerbated during certain developmental milestones. From toileting to curfews, children and adolescents typically show their feelings through behaviors and these behaviors oftentimes leave parents scratching their heads.
I aim to understand the meaning of child and adolescent behavior to help kids and teens work through complex feelings and internal experiences. I achieve this by using play therapy, art, storytelling, or just talking.
What is play therapy?
Oftentimes children express themselves through play. It allows them to create fantasy scenarios in which their internal world is projected onto toys, action figures, and activities. Using the therapeutic relationship and clinical room setting as a secure base, we can explore thoughts and feelings in a safe and controlled setting. Playing out feelings through other objects and people can allow children just enough exposure and “working through” without compromising their resiliency and instead bolstering internal strengths to appropriately manage developmental milestones.
What about parents?
Sometimes families may be seeking consultation for reflective parenting to better understand their child. I provide parent sessions to help families reflect on their child’s behaviors as we work to uncover its meaning. I utilize different parenting practices from Regulation Focused Psychotherapy (RFP), psychoanalytic concepts such as “good enough parenting” and “secure base”, and behavioral components to help families achieve lasting connection.
I am a nationally rostered Child-Parent Psychotherapist (CPP), trained Regulation-Focused Psychotherapy clinician (RFP-C), and trained Cue-Centered Therapy (CCT) clinician. I utilize these treatments and tailor modalities for ages 0-18+.
I have helped minors work through:
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity
Autism Spectrum (Level 1)
Behavioral Issues
Childhood Trauma
Chronic Medical Conditions
College Preparation and Adjustment
Life Transitions
Oppositional Behavior
Panic Attacks
Parent-Child Dynamics
Post Traumatic Stress
Race/Cultural Identity
Relationship Issues
Separation Anxiety
School Stress